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  3. Close the Settings tab and Refresh the page.



Exciting Days
Attend the largest community Emergency Medicine conference in North America!
Brings together the emergency medicine community from across Canada and internationally.
Emergency Medicine taught by practicing Emergency Medicine clinicians.


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Focus on practical clinical emergency medicine
Learn content and tips to take to your next shift
Be part of our diverse and inclusive community
Learn from award-winning speakers
One year access to digital recordings
Returning Registrant

More Information

Allison Ho

Conference Services
North York General Hospital
4001 Leslie Street
Rooms GSE-115
Toronto, Ontario M2K 1E1

Tel: 416-756-6443
Fax: 416-756-6482


Westin Harbour Castle
1 Harbour Square
Toronto, ON
M5J 1A6
(416) 869-1600