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Dr. Mattu is our specialty’s leading EM Cardiology educator. He has assembled the finest speakers in EM cardiology for an incredible update on selected, high-risk topics in Emergency Medicine. 

Cardiovascular disease accounts for more deaths in most first-world countries than any other cause. This number-one ranking has persisted for many years despite marked advances in preventive medicine, diagnostics, and therapeutics. The specialty of Emergency Medicine bears a great responsibility for the acute care of patients with acute cardiovascular disease. We must diagnose and initiate stabilizing treatment for patients with acute coronary syndromes, acute heart failure, pericarditis, myocarditis, dysrhythmias, and many other conditions; and we are frequently the key providers that determine the prognosis of patients presenting with cardiac arrest. 

In this preconference course, noted experts in emergency cardiology and education will teach you about many of these selected high-risk topics in emergency cardiology. Numerous clinical pearls and pitfalls will be provided. Following this course, your knowledge of these key points will help you improve patient care and save lives.

Objectives: By the end of the presentation, the attendee will

1. Understand some of the newest concepts in management of patients in cardiac arrest.

2. Be able to describe some of the recent advances in the management of inflammatory heart disease.

3. List pearls and pitfalls in the evaluation of patients presenting with malignant dysrhythmias.

Target Audience: 

Any health care provider interested in improving their knowledge of selected emergency cardiac conditions ECG interpretation in the acute care setting. The content will be appropriate for both attendings and trainees.

Workshop prerequisite:

Attendees should have at least a basic knowledge emergency medicine and ECG interpretation in order to maximize their learning from this course.


08:00-08:30   Registration

08:30-08:45   Welcome, introductions (Mattu)

08:45-09:05   Recent Advances in Cardiac Arrest (Brady)

09:05-09:25   Cardiovascular Implications of Recreational Drug Use (Kotamraju)        

09:25-09:45   Cardiogenic Shock: Fatal Errors To Avoid (Menon)

09:45-10:00   Stable VTach: Should We Bother With Drugs? (Tannenbaum)

10:00-10:30   Q+A / Break

10:30-10:50   Post-Arrest Updates (Brady)

10:50-11:10   Cracking the Coronaries: SCAD in the ED (Kotamraju)

11:10-11:30   Trouble-Shooting the Alarming LVAD (Menon)

11:30-11:50   SVT in the ED: Little-Known Pearls and Pitfalls (Tannenbaum)

11:50-12:10   Q&A                                                                         

12:10-13:00   Lunch 

13:10-13:30   Infectious Endocarditis Updates (Lowie)

13:30-13:50   Preventing Cardiovascular Collapse During Intubation (Butler)

13:50-14:10   The Crashing Tamponade (Tewelde)

14:10-14:40   Challenging ECGs You Can’t Afford to Miss, Part I (Mattu)

14:40-15:00   Break

15:00-15:20   Recent Updates on Myocarditis (Lowie)

15:20-15:40   The Massive PE: Pearls, Pitfalls, and Updates (Butler)

15:40-16:00   Managing Atrial Fibrillation in Critical Illness (Tewelde)

16:00-16:30   Challenging ECGs You Can’t Afford to Miss, Part II (Mattu)

16:30-16:50   Q&A

16:50         Conclude


Amal Mattu, MD (course director), William Brady, MD, Kenneth Butler, DO, Venkateswara Kotamraju, Bobbi-Jo Lowie, MD, Rohit Menon, MD, Lloyd Tannenbaum, MD, Semhar Tewelde, MD


Course Information

Dr. Amal Mattu’s Challenges in Emergency Cardiology

Date : Saturday May 24, 2025

Time : 8:30am-5:00pm

Lunch and coffee at breaks are included. 

Course Location

Intercontinental Montreal

360 Saint-Antoine Street West, 

Montreal, QC  H2Y 3X4

Contact Information

Conference Services
4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON CA M2K 1E1
T 416.756.6443

Course Accreditation

This 2-credits per hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Quebec College of Family Physicians, a continuing professional development-accrediting organization recognized by the College des medecins du Quebec, and has been approved for up to 16  Mainpro+® credits.

By reciprocal arrangements, participants may claim for this CFPC accredited workshop:

16 Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Accredited Section 1 activity credits by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) (maximum 50 credits per cycle*)

16 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Formal Prescribed credits

16 PRA Category 1 Credits™ American Medical Association (AMA) (maximum 50 credits per cycle*)