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Self-assessment programs enable nurses to assess aspects of their knowledge or practice in specific areas, topics or domains. Self-assessment programs are not tests. Instead, they use structured formats — such as multiple-choice or short-answer questions — that may include a clinical scenario and require participants to select the appropriate response. Participants receive feedback on the answers they selected to provide opportunities to identify areas for improvement and future learning.

Important information before you begin

Self-assessment programs approved by CNA must be developed or co-developed by a nursing organization.

CNA defines “nursing organization” as a not-for-profit group of health professionals with a formal governance structure. The organization serves and is accountable to its specialist nurse members and others by providing continuing professional development (CPD), health care, and/or research.

Please visit our website for a full definition or contact CNA to confirm before submitting an application. You can also read our policies for non-nursing organizations.

Additional considerations

  • Self-assessment programs are accredited for a Maximum of 2 years from the time accreditation has been granted.
  • Accreditation will not be granted retroactively.

Application process

  • Complete this application and submit the supporting documentation.
  • A summary of the review will be e-mailed to the applicant, including the outcome of the assessment of the CPD activity, the number of accredited hours, and the CPD activity accreditation statement that must appear on all accredited CPD activity program materials and certificates of participation.


Start Application