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System Notification

  • Registration has closed.

Additional Information

Registration Fees

Member:              $190+HST

Non-Member:      $225+HST

Member Special*
(foursome):          $760+HST

*If you are a current MPI member, you can book a foursome at the member rate for all golfers if you pay with a single credit card. Not more than two players from the same organization permitted in a foursome, and each foursome registered as a group is required to have a minimum of two planners.

HST #124261454

$1.00 of each registration fee will be put in a fund to assist members to attend the 2019 WEC in Toronto.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing by 5:00PM on June 18, 2018. No refund after June 18, 2018.

No show – Full Fee