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Please Continue to Review Process
Are you a premium member of CNA? *Required

Premium membership includes membership in the Canadian Academy of Nursing.

Note: only premium members of CNA can make a submission to be a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing.

Application Fee *Required

Section 1: Contact information

All fields are required. For fields that do not apply, please use 'N/A'.

(retired nurses can provide relevant details from their time of employment)

(Please use same last name as in your licence/registration)

(e.g. Highest degree/diploma, professional designations, honours)

Please use same email as the one you used to create your CNA account.

Upload your CV or Resume (PDF file) *Required

Section 2: Individual contributions

Summarize your most outstanding individual achievements in clinical practice, policy, education, research and/or administration and describe the impact of these achievements on the improvement of nursing, health and/or health care. The impact can be at any geographic level, including international, national, provincial/territorial, and/or regional/local. Please write your statement in the third person perspective (i.e. using your name and/or preferred pronouns) and use language suitable for sharing with a public audience (e.g., posting on the Academy website).

Maximum 165 words

Describe the context(s) in which your contributions to nursing, health and health care have been made. This might include mention of the roles you have held and the work that you have done in the context of those roles. If your key contributions have involved teamwork, explain your explicit role in relation to the team accomplishments.

Maximum 300 words.

Provide substantive evidence of the sustained and significant impact of your contributions to nursing, health and/or health care. Although different forms of nursing leadership are impactful in quite different ways, we encourage you to try to identify the measurable impact of your work. In addition, include what you consider to have potential for significant continuing impact on health, health care and/or the domains of nursing (i.e., clinical practice, policy, education, research and/or administration) resulting from your work. Be as specific as possible, providing explanation and data to support the impact of your contributions. Ensure that the information listed in your CV and the nominator statements align as well as possible with the description you provide.

Maximum 600 words.

Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Nursing (CAN) represents a dedication to advancing nursing and healthcare.

Fellows are distinguished leaders who commit to:

  • Promoting the profession by influencing policies, mentoring, and leading innovative projects.
  • Enhancing healthcare systems through advocacy for equitable and accessible care.
  • Upholding professional excellence by serving as role models in practice, education, research, and leadership.
  • Inspiring future leaders by guiding and supporting the next generation of nursing professionals.

Maximum 150 words.

Section 3: Nominators’ statements

Nominators’ statements in support of the candidate for Fellow are a key component of your submission. This section requires that you upload statements completed by each nominator that have been informed by the claims being made in your candidate statements above.

Download Nominator Form for the Canadian Academy of Nursing Fellowship Program

To sign, date, and submit the form, please:

  • Download the file to your device.
  • Open it using an updated PDF viewer (e.g., Adobe Acrobat Reader).
  • Ensure your PDF software is up to date.
  • Fill out the required fields, sign, and date the form.
  • Save the completed form to your device.
  • Upload the saved file using the submission form below.

If you encounter any issues, try updating your PDF viewer or using a different one.

Upload statement for nominator #1 *Required
Upload statement for nominator #2 *Required
Consent of my nominators’ statements *Required

I consent to receive e-mails regarding CNA products and services. *Required
Terms and Conditions *Required

For more information, contact: